Certificate In Image Editing

Course Information
This Course is basically introduce, how to retouch and edit images or pictures usinig effective and quick methods.. it will also contain basic sketching & art with idea generation techniques, basic significant techniques of layouts, picture editing & photography skills which makes it unique course compared to other institute courses.. Image editing include reducing size, enhancing images, contrast change, color depth,noise reduction, removing needless part & more.. Design Basics Idea Generation and Development Learning Drawing Techniques and Processes Overview of still life Importance of Perspective Typography Concepts Basics of Layouting Principles Basics Colors and Shapes Basics of Photography Photo Correction and Manipulation Techniques Image Color Balancing, Manipulation, Retouching Methods Creating posters and photo albums A passion to learn and work into Ecommerce Industry will be an added advantage. This course have a huge demand in Domestic, commercial and Industrial applications. Image editors can raise their career into a layout artist, 2d Animator, Visualise, DTP Operator, CD Rom author, E-card designer etc & many more opportunities..